• The kitchen is a fun place to stay during break periods and lunchtime. This is where employees get together over coffee or meal. This place is high-trafficked and the worst offender for dirt and grime. Commercial Cleaning companies can do the cleaning for you to make it way easier for your employees too. The kitchen can quickly accumulate dust, dirt, germs, and even bacteria. I will enumerate seven easy steps and tips for you on how your office cleaner normally do the deed with no sweat.


    The first thing that you need to do is to come up with a kitchen policy that your employee will follow. Breaking the habit is one of the most difficult things to do especially if they are already used to doing the same habit day after day. Make your employees understand that it is important to create a culture of food safety and cleanliness in this area. Putting a kitchen policy in place will ensure everyone is on the same page to achieve the cleanliness in the kitchen. The office cleaners will just take care of the rest. Simple kitchen policy like banning messy, smelly food from the microwave, cleaning after spills, and proper waste disposal is a nice start. You can also add something like guidelines for handwashing, how to keep fridge free from moulds, counter cleaning, and dishwashing can also help the cleaners do their job more effectively. 


    Most people are very visual. Putting this kitchen policy into simple signs will make the employees remember that there is a certain policy in place. It will make it easier for them to adhere to the rules if they see it posted. Commercial cleaning personnel will also see to it that these rules are being followed. You may download signs with colourful and cool pictures online, print it and post it. If you want to encourage your employees to segregate their waste properly, you may put the recycling signs near the bins. Coming up with an obvious sign with a large print will help your employees remember that they need to do the right thing. 


    Keep an eye on your bins. Office cleaning staff normally does this task. Do not let the bins in the kitchen overflowing. Check on the bins and instruct your cleaner to take it out, wash it, and replace the liners if needed. Tell your employee not to dispose of liquids to bins as later on, it will emit unwelcoming smell. You can also discuss compost program or recycling initiatives with your office cleaners. 

    Commercial cleaning companies also supply cleaning materials and supplies. Make sure that these come handy before you ask your employees to clean after themselves. It is difficult to wash dishes without the proper cleaning supplies. Assign rugs in each designated place to avoid contamination too. Color coding scheme is appropriate for this. The rugs that are used in the sink cannot be used to wipe down the table and vice versa. Ask your cleaner to wash the dishrags once a week so that you will have an ample supply of fresh and clean dish rags for the rest of the week. 


    Ensure that your countertops are disinfected as often as possible. Advise your commercial cleaner to use a mild disinfectant to wipe the counter to ensure that it will not be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. A quick wipe down of a least twice a day will do the job. It will also help you can put a signage near the countertop to clean before and after they prepare their meals. 


    Spills need to be attended to as soon as possible. Advise your employees or your cleaners to clean whatever spillage they observed or spilled themselves. This will ensure that unsightly stains will not go down to the carpet. Apart from the stain, spills, when not attended to can cause odour. We all know that wet surfaces are also a breeding ground for germs. 


    Again, if you want an easier way to handle the cleaning and if your main objective is to have an immaculate kitchen, then you might as well hire a commercial cleaner and take the burden off of your employees. Let the professionals handle your cleaning needs.

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